"Mawidge is a dweam wiffin a dweam"
If you have ever seen The princess bride you would know exactly what part that is from. Luckily for me I have a wonderful husband who let me name our blog after one of the greatest love stories ever. The book is rather tedious, I strongly suggest just watching the movie.
So this weekend Lawrence and I spent some money on food, speaker stands and the newest edition to our house......a charcoal grill. Sure it was cheap $15 but we love it. We talked all summer about getting a grill and looked at all the expensive ones and really just hung the idea up for another time. So today we decided it would be nice to just have a small grill. So we bought some steaks and potatoes and have a good ol fashion steak and potatoes meal. Well sort of , I didnt really cook the steaks long enough, and well lets just say it took longer and a little more fire than we originally thought. so now we both really just have leftovers or rather a meal for tomorrow. Oh well I still love the fact that we now have a grill. I have a few pictures and will put them up soon.
God bless!
The Week after Easter
8 years ago
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