Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Grill and Winter Formal

This week has been a whirlwind. Heather has been busy with work and Ive had school- only one more full week and then Thanksgiving break and exams- then CHRISTMAS BREAK! I cant wait!

We bought a grill- finally. One of those things that we've been meaning to do since the beginning of our marriage, but have not until now. Its just a little charcoal number but it gets the work done and grilled some pretty good steaks the other night!

Tonight we went to Winter Formal @ Campbell. It was in the brand new Convocation Center- the theme was "A Christmas to Remember" and they had it decorated with Christmas type stuff. It was nice to get out and do something, though there were not a ton of people there. There was a live band that played older songs and Heather and I had a great time.

Heather is headed three hours away from home tomorrow night because she the football team where she works made it to playoffs and so she will not be home until the early morning hours Saturday- so Ill be around with not much to do and will prob. go to my office and get some much needed work done!

This weekend is going to be pretty busy because we have a youth fundraiser Saturday morning- we will be raking leaves for some elderly people (bet Heather will be half awake for that one) and then a church-wide fundraiser (Harvest Sale) Sat. night. It should all be fun but I bet we'll both be worn out by the time Sat. night rolls around.

For those who are reading- thanks! Feel free to post some comments if you want!

-Lawrence & Heather)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mawidge is a dweam

"Mawidge is a dweam wiffin a dweam"
If you have ever seen The princess bride you would know exactly what part that is from. Luckily for me I have a wonderful husband who let me name our blog after one of the greatest love stories ever. The book is rather tedious, I strongly suggest just watching the movie.
So this weekend Lawrence and I spent some money on food, speaker stands and the newest edition to our house......a charcoal grill. Sure it was cheap $15 but we love it. We talked all summer about getting a grill and looked at all the expensive ones and really just hung the idea up for another time. So today we decided it would be nice to just have a small grill. So we bought some steaks and potatoes and have a good ol fashion steak and potatoes meal. Well sort of , I didnt really cook the steaks long enough, and well lets just say it took longer and a little more fire than we originally thought. so now we both really just have leftovers or rather a meal for tomorrow. Oh well I still love the fact that we now have a grill. I have a few pictures and will put them up soon.

God bless!


Welcome to our blog! We wanted a place to record and share events in our lives together- so here it is. We were married May 17, 2008 and are loving every minute of it. We hope you enjoy our blog and hope to have much to share very soon!

-Heather & Lawrence Powers