So we got moved... and we LOVE the new place... especially the fact that it has WINDOWS! Maggie has adjusted well and we just love being here. Heather wants to get into gardening a bit- since we have somewhat of a yard to work with- I love going to the Home Depot- so its a win-win situation! ;)
This summer is going to be a busy one for us! We've got our 1 year anniversary coming up in a week- we are really excited. No big trip or anything this year, which is sad, but we're going to the beach with my family later, so that will have to do for this year. I found out last night that we are staying in the same hotel that we stayed in for our honeymoon. It will be nice to go back- though it def. will not be the same.
We've also got VBS- Heather and I are in charge of decorating for it... that is going to be craziness. Then Caswell- which we both look really forward to every year- especially this one! Heather is getting a summer job to pay for a conference she wants to go to--- that should be lots of fun for her! :) Im going to be working in my office at the church a lot more- getting stuff done now while I have the time.
We'll keep everyone posted as things happen. Hope that you are doing well!
-Lawrence and Heather
The Week after Easter
8 years ago